Veni Infantino
Victoria Jane Torino 18260
At Lula Ann we try to keep our collection current which means sadly saying goodbye to some of our beautiful wedding dresses to make space for more collections! All our sale dresses are not second hand and have only been tried on in our boutique. The wedding dresses are sold at a reduced price to reflect any potential wear or damage. All our sale dresses are available to try on in our boutique or buy online, if you wish to find out more information regarding the condition of a dress please get in touch.
At Lula Ann we try to keep our collection current which means sadly saying goodbye to some of our beautiful wedding dresses to make space for more collections! All our sale dresses are not second hand and have only been tried on in our boutique. The wedding dresses are sold at a reduced price to reflect any potential wear or damage. All our sale dresses are available to try on in our boutique or buy online, if you wish to find out more information regarding the condition of a dress please get in touch.